“For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.” ~1 Corinthians 9:19

Join the Golden Gate Family for a month-long focus on service in our church and community. There are several opportunities to participate in “Freed 2 Serve,” service projects each day in the month of September. Please click here to sign up today.

List of Opportunities:

  • Snack Bags for the homeless (all month): Prepare a gallon-sized ziplock bag or drawstring backpack with nourishing snacks for homeless that can include suggested items: bottle water, electrolyte packets, soft cereal bars, tuna packets, pop-top vienna sausages, individual cup peanut butter, an encouraging note.
  • Adopt-A-Grandparent: Provide companionship to a “Silver” member of Golden Gate or your community in the month of September by completing one of the following activities: Phone call/video chat, send a letter/handmade card, assemble a small care package with books, snacks, personalized note, visit face-to-face or have a safe meet up at the park, restaurant, etc.
  • Townview HS Food Pantry: Donate non-perishable items (food/toiletries) in the box located near the parking lot entrance or volunteer at the Townview Food pantry (volunteer registration required). Please visit the DISD volunteer signup page here to do a background check.
  • FoodShare: join the FoodShare Team on Tuesdays 9/3 and 9/17 from 10-12:30 to distribute food to community (at Golden Gate)
  • Assist in Children Ministry Sundays at 10:15AM | Nursery: Prepare snacks (15 mins) or read/lead a game (10 mins) OR Children’s Church: Prepare Snacks (10 mins), assist with crafts (25 mins), assist with music rehearsal (20 mins)
  • Support GGMBC Youth | Wednesdays 6:30-7:00P: Assist or lead a Bible lesson for the youth.
  • Nursing Home Visitation | Thursdays, 9/12 and/or 9/26 10A-12N. : Sister Darlene Robinson, Lead
  • Sandbranch Community Water Distribution | Saturday, 9/14 8A-11A:  Distribute water to those in the Sandbranch community
  • Serve Lunch at 2nd Chance Cafe’ | Thursday 9/19 or Monday 9/30 11:45A-1:00P: Serve lunch to 2nd Chance Cafe’ patrons.
  • Serve Dinner at 2nd Chance Cafe’ | Sunday, 9/15 5:45-7:00P: Serve dinner to 2nd Chance Cafe’ patrons.
  • Walk & Pray in Brackins Village | Wednesday 9/18 5:30-6:30
  • Drive-by Prayer | Saturday, 9/21 9A-10A: Team up to pray for those who drive up for prayer in the Townview HS parking lot.
  • Volunteer at N.W. Harllee School | Monday, 9/23 : (volunteer registration required). Please visit the DISD volunteer signup page here to do a background check.
  • Volunteer at Viola’s House | Friday, 9/27: Viola’s house houses and supports expectant teenage mothers aged 18-24 in the Dallas area who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or lack a safe living arrangement.

If you have not signed up to serve, click here to sign up today! If you don’t see an opportunity that works for you, feel free to do your own service project, and invite some friends to join you.


As you serve, be sure to take photos or video of your service to share with us. We will be creating a collage video at the close of the month to celebrate all service efforts. Click here to upload your pics or videos to dropbox. If you post pics/videos on social media, be sure to tag Golden Gate and use #Freed2Serve.  If you need more information about the service opportunities, please contact Paula Young

As we serve throughout the month, please continue to shower the campaign in prayer. Click here to download and view the 30 days of prayer calendar.

We all have been Freed 2 Serve; and together, we can achieve 100% participation. Serve someone somewhere somehow in September!